Hintermeister's Homepage


Almost 700 years of documented ancestral history. No matter how insignificant the individual human being may seem in comparison to the whole of humanity, a family, a people, the whole of humanity is built up from a multitude of individual human beings, each of whom has and has had his share in the work of the people and humanity.
On these pages we would like to introduce ourselves as Hintermeister family. It is difficult, with a few photos and a few sentences, to get a picture of yourself across. Therefore we simply recommend: get to know us better by "surfing around" on our pages. We are usually approachable and even react to e-mails - YES!

There is also an additional blog page where we will post holiday-updates on: Ferien-Updates. And to come back again to the 700 years of ancestral history, yes, there is a separate section that examines our family name in detail: Family History. Under this "Family History" a family tree is outlined and various family branches are shown. We have kindly received the data from Karl and Ed from the U.S. and have now enriched it with additional information. Either way, we are looking forward to any message, feedback and/or comments on the blog pages.

And now enjoy browsing our websit. Happy surfing and happy reading !

The name Hintermeister

The history in a short form by Hans Kläui, Oberwinterthur, Switzerland
(Saterday, September, 8. 1951)

Where did the Hintermeister Family originate?
Since the second half of the 15th century, the Hintermeister Family can be encountered on the Bänikon farm in the community of Kloten, at that time still belonging to the parish of Embrach. It is here where the family out-grew the capacity of the farm and several children moved to other communities. In 1530 Konrad Hintermeister lived in Kloten, and in 1540 the brothers Hans and Heini Hintermeister were living on the inherited tenet farm2, which was held by their father, Ueli, of the All Saints (Allerheiligen) Monastery at Rieden. In 1554 Heinrich Hintermeister, a leather tanner from Rieden, became a citizen (German word Burger)3 of Zurich. Likewise, Felix became a citizen in 1556 and also a member of the Clergyman (Prediger) Monastery Chorus in Zurich. In the 17th century, two lines of the Bänikon Family moved to the Parish of Elsau; Konrad Hintermeister-Huber moved to Fulau, a nearby village, and Josias moved to the village of Elsau. Two of Konrad's sons later lived in Unter-Schnasberg. In this way the Hintermeister name became typical of the Elsau area.
Still before 1800 representatives of the family can also be found in Dietlikon, Neftenbach, Niederhasli, and Würenlos (Canton of Aargau). In the 19th century Hintermeisters had become citizens of Bülach, Elgg, Illnau, Küsnacht, Lindau, and Winterthur, moving from Elsau.
The Historical Biographical Dictionary of Switzerland states that the first Hintermeister residence was a farm called Grafsbühl near Embrach in the year 1370. This statement, however, seems somewhat doubtful, because the family was definitely in Geerlisberg (Municipality of Kloten) about 60 years later.

Meaning of the name

If 70 years later the family name changed to Hintermeister, it would not have been extraordinary. Probably the name Hintermeister also referred to the occupation. It is well known that tradesmen were called "Master" (German word "Meister") and addressed as such. They probably called one of the rope makers of Geerlisberg Hintermeister to distinguish him from a colleague or a near relative. Maybe he lived at the end of the village. In these hilly regions the prefixes "Hinter" (behind) and "Vorder" (front) were used to determine location, as is shown in the family names Hinter and Vordermarchlen and later Hinter and Vorderbänikon.
Since during the Middle ages only respected people could be witnesses, it can be seen that the rope maker trade was important, because H. (Heinrich?) called Rope maker was a witness in Winterthur in the year 1249 (Zürich Records Book II, 234). It will probably be impossible to determine if he was related to the rope maker of Geerlisberg, or if he was a citizen of Winterthur, not related to the Geerlisberg, family.

Hintermeister - Worldwide
During the 18th and early 19th century there were a number of "Hintermeisters" who came to America. Some of these early immigrants built up large clans in the United States of significant size, while others apparently had no descendants. Most of the information about the Hintermeister's in the United States was provided by family members.
In the United States today there are three main clans with the name "Hintermeister" and two smaller clans. The main part of the Hintermeisters in the USA may be counted among the five clans today.

The Michigan and Ohio clans include some Hintermeister families, but the majority of the families belong to one of the following larger clans:
1st Iowa clan / 2nd Illinois/Minnesota clan / 3rd New York clan

Other representatives of our family name are located in South America, Canada and other European countries. It can be assumed that our name also occurs in Australia.

You can find further information on our project page: Hintermeister's History

About the Hintermeister family (My ancestors)
First secured ancestor is Kaspar Hintermeister, born 1759, Seiler in Schwamendingen (at that time still an independent community, only incorporated by Zurich in 1934). To assume a relationship with the extinct family of the city of Zurich. A family tree is available.
The name Hintermeister, which contains the word "master", could refer to a craft. Does the first part of the name come from the fact that the rope maker walks "behind him" in his work?
The name was first mentioned in a document in 1370 in the serf's sleigh of the canon monastery Embrach on Geerlisberg (today municipality of Kloten). It says: "Ltem Counrat Hindermeister de Gerlasperg et frater suus Rodolfus et sorores et pueri" (also Konrad Hintermeister von Geerlisberg and his brother Rudolf and the sisters and the children).
Since 6 January 1904, the family has also been a citizen of the city of Basel. Therefore we are also citizens of Basel City and Zurich Schwammendingen.


News from the Hintermeister family. Worth mentioning is the project with the family tree, for this we have created a Facebook group with different members from different nations. The goal is to organize a meeting in Switzerland at the birthplace of our name. For this purpose we have also set up our own website Webseite,

which deals with the history of the family tree and further information about the Hintermeister family. Furthermore we want to communicate more and more our travel impressions. The blog entries from the years 2011 to 2014 when we went on different round trips through the USA are outdated.

About us

There are three of us ;-). Our hobbies are family, biking, fitness, cooking, philosophising and travelling. On the other pages you can learn more about us. For example the project "Hintermeister History" is a side value!
My name is Christian. I am the chief and therefore the nominal head of the clan ;-). What I say is law - unless Njeri disagrees and Calvin has no objections. Or in other words: I'm an ordinary and a family man.
If you ask Njeri about her hobbys, you'll get all sorts of answers depending on her mood. Well, she's really very well-behaved and has her chief under control. :)

Calvin is my designated successor in a few years. A lot of things revolve around him. He's our inspiration and sometimes provides the action and fun within the Family. Luckily he accompanies us again when we go hiking in the mountains or make other excursions.
That wasn't always the case in the puberty phase, we had to listen to things like, "Are you crazy to climb the mountains, it makes absolutely no sense and is a waste of energy etc.".




Christian Hintermeister
Jurastrasse 1
5507 Mellingen



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Quelle: SwissAnwalt

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